Bus Songs has every creative song, and alternate version of nursury rhymes you can think of.I was so impressed with this site, and want to point you all too it. Complete with audio and video and lyrics this site is extremely useful for finding resources for teaching. Open it for your kids at home, or what not. And such a big list for songs, especially alternate songs (as most of my kids can already sing the songs, and enjoy them, i find it good to extend the songs, and they have lots here. Here is an example:
Insy wincy Spider Incy Wincy Spider climbed up the tree. Down came the snow and made poor Incy freeze. Out came the sunshine, and melted all the snow So Incy Wincy Spider had another go. Incy wincy spider climbed up the stair. Whoosh went the wind and blew him in the air. Out came the sunshine, no longer did it blow So Incy Wincy spider had another go. Incy Wincy spider climbed up the tree He slipped in some dew and landed next to me. Out came the sunshine and when the dew was dry Incy Wincy spider had another try. Incy wincy spider climbed in the bath. Along came a rubber duck and made the spider laugh. Then came the water and washed him down the drain So Incy Wincy spider climbed up the spout again. Incy Wincy spider climbed the curtain rail. Along came a mouse and flicked him with her tail. Down fell the spider, the mouse ran out the door So Incy Wincy Spider climbed the rail once more. Incy Wincy spider climbed to a height. Up jumped a cat and gave him quite a fright. Down jumped the cat and when he was asleep Incy Wincy Spider back up the wall did creep. Incy Wincy spider went to the zoo. Along came an elephant and said “How do you do.” He met all the spiders, the snakes and lizards too, Then Incy Wincy spider brought them to meet YOU. Incy wincy spider climbed on my chair. He tickled my arm and he tickled my hair. He wiggled his legs and wiggled his toes, Then Incy Wincy spider wiggled his nose. Incy Wincy spider climbed to the top. He made a silky web and spun without a stop. Then came a fly and landed on its back So Incy Wincy Spider ate it as a snack. Incy Wincy spider was looking for his lunch. Along came a wasp, he was eaten with a munch. Then came a bluebottle and landed in the thread So Incy Wincy spider bit off his head. Incy Wincy spider climbed up the wall. He spun a sticky web and hoped a fly would fall. Then came a butterfly, so tangled up was she, Incy Wincy Spider ate her for his tea.
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